Jan 26, 2022Liked by Being Libertarian

I disavow all political violence and you should too.

Violence is the response of ILLEGITIMATE ideologies.

We cannot win with an armed battle.

Only in the courts...

And only in the hearts of the citizens of the free world.

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We cannot completely disavow violence as a means to fight tyranny. So long as we take a firm stand against the use of violence under any circumstance or deem it an illegitimate response, the tyrannical forces running Government will always use that against those who believe in freedom and independence. The truckers revolt in Canada is an example. Give them time and the media will soon frame that as a violent uprising.

Where I stand against the use of violence and war is when groups or the Government uses it as a tool to achieve an ends or to get rid of someone they don't want. Enforcing vaccine mandates and passports is a perfect example. The war in Iraq is another example. Places our Government had no right or justification to be in.

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Are Libertarians always anti-war? What about when a mass genocide is happening, such as the Holocaust? Was it wrong to fight in World War II?

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deletedJan 25, 2022Liked by Being Libertarian
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