Borders exist for a reason. Open borders, who’ve is effectively what we have on the southern border are financial, social and political disasters. People do have a fundamental right to autonomy, but we should have jurisdiction on who can enter. Do they share our values? Will they just leech off the system? People coming to the USA are not a monolith of liberty minded potential citizenry.

Can immigration be reformed? Yes. The system is so bureaucratic and slow, it makes it difficult for people who want to do it legally.

We need to have a sensible system that allows people who want to work, contribute and become citizens and keeps out leeches, criminals and people who hate the USA.

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My Constant Reply is- Do you LOCK the Doors of your House when you aren't there, or Not ? Because THAT is the Right Way to think of it, in my opinion. Do you Protect your Children and Animals, that can NOT protect themselves from predators, or NOT ? And I usually get a 'Well, Yes, BUT ... ' Answer, which tells me all I need to know about that person's convictions. FACT TIME- THERE ARE BAD PEOPLE OUT THERE. There are All Kinds of "Reasons' they are 'Bad', but the only Fact that Matters is that they ARE BAD, and Can NOT BE TRUSTED. The NATION is Our HOUSE. It should be treated the same. YES, We Want Friends and Loved Ones to have Free Access to our Homes, But NO ONE Wants to Come Home to Find their Children and Loved Ones Raped and Killed, or their Animals Slaughtered, and as long as those things are indeed, Legitimate Concerns, then I DO NOT WANT OPEN BORDERS. PERIOD.

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