Kyle Rittenhouse… NOT GUILTY
Kyle Rittenhouse, the (legally) armed Illinois teenager who killed two people and wounded another during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer, was found NOT GUILTY at his homicide trial today.
The case has captivated the already vastly divided country. Corporate media, that has a dizzying leftward tilt, has all but convicted Rittenhouse for the past year as shown in the below super cut from @tomselliot on Twitter.
No wonder some people are furious he was acquitted, they have been completely lied to. And people were paying attention.
As the trial began, some progressives were calling out the media coverage that they heard from their safe spaces within the leftist bubble. This was mentioned in our newsletter earlier this week.
It’s seems like quite a few people have taken a red pill because of this trial and that is a positive thing. Sure, some simple minded celebrities (King James) and the pundits that feed them will mock Rittenhouse who defended himself from some very sketchy people to continue pursuing their crumbling narratives to keep the masses divided and angry. Wisconsin’s governor had put 500 National Guard members on standby as the high-profile homicide trial partly because of the media’s dishonest rage porn.
Remember, there was only a riot in Kenosha that night because the media lied about Jacob Blake being unarmed when he attacked his wife and resisted arrest.
Even right wing, pro-police advocates are shaking their heads at the level of dishonesty and incompetence coming from the prosecution. District Attorney Thomas Binger even aimed a rifle at people in the courtroom with his finger on the trigger days after Alec Baldwin did the same thing and killed a woman. Another banger from Binger was when he stated, “That crowd was full of heroes.”
It should be pointed out to the “Back the Blue” crowd that this is a high profile case with lots of scrutiny. How many dirty prosecutors have attempted to, or sent obviously innocent people to prison for a win on their record because they were poor, marginalized, and unknown? Maybe, reassessment of the death penalty is in order.
For libertarians, this is a moment we can use to teach.
Self defense is acceptable.
Transparency is a must.
Because freedom matters.