Things are getting strange in DC. How strange? The updated NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden this week.
This happens annually. So why is this year’s version any different? Buried in the usually massive bill is a commissioning of a new office for the research of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or UAP.
It’s interesting timing considering this new and official unnamed office wasn’t developed after Roswell, Area 51 sightings, the Bentwaters UFOs, or the Phoenix Lights incident. Recently, NASA hired a couple dozen theologians to determine how humanity would react to the announcement of an alien presence.
1952 UFO sightings over DC
After decades of denial, the US Government admitting it is taking the research seriously and for the first time putting it out in the open. Well… as open as one would expect from the DC crowd.
From 1947 to 1969, a total of 12, 618 sightings were reported to the secret Project BLUE BOOK. Of these 701 remain "Unidentified." The project was headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, whose personnel no longer receive, document or investigate UFO reports, according to government archives. Now declassified, Project BLUE BOOK was evidence that investigations have taken place under the cover of darkness in the past.
It’s unlikely that phenomena witnessed after Project BLUE BOOK was terminated were not studied or known about by the U.S. Government. But now there will be an official department to study the reports.
You can read more from her official page Here
Also a good article explaining things ⬇️
Harry Reid, who died the same day as the NDAA bill passed, had been a major contributor to bringing UFO/UAP issues to the mainstream.
Recently released UAP footage from the US military
What are the motivations of this new program? Curiosity? Security? Distraction? More control? Cosmic false flag? Building a Death Star?
No one really knows. Libertarians can be very distrusting of the government’s intentions…and so can the UFO crowd. In fact, there is a good overlap in skepticism of official government stories with the UFOlogist-libertarian Venn Diagram. And for good reasons. If you have some time here is a video at the National Press Club from the Disclosure Project from 2001.
Let us know what you think.
Regardless if UAP are secret US weapons, another country’s machines, or some tech savvy pranksters I’d expect some shenanigans in the future.
It’s what they do.
One big concern is “if” these UAPs are actually extraterrestrials, interdimensional beings, or even demonic spirits…do we really want Congress to be the contact point? Seems risky.
One thing is for sure. Now that there is an official office, the FOIA requests will be pretty interesting.
about time, one can only hope Biden had some vague idea of what he signed, perhaps it will become the high point of his legacy.
UFOs are real, of course.
Take a look at this UFO video:
UFO Video:
One of the World’s Best UFO Videos
(Aerial Footage) –
Tokyo, Japan – Unknown Date
(Recorded by NHK, Japan’s State Broadcaster)
Source: TV UFO Footage (my YouTube Channel)
This is one of the world’s best UFO videos, in my opinion.
The unknown object (white light) which flies slowly over Tokyo – is first seen in the upper left corner of the screen.
When the UFO is closest to the helicopter camera, one can see the body of the large elongated (or circular) UFO, and that it has large red and white pulsating lights (4 lights). The colours of the three blinking/pulsating lights varies between white and red. The largest light (white) does not pulsate.
The UFO seems to stop near the Tokyo Tower for a short while. It appears that the NHK camera operator notices the UFO, because the camera follows the UFO for a short while.
The fact that the video comes from Japan’s state broadcaster means that it is unimpeachable.
The footage comes from NHK World TV’s Aerial Tokyo channel, aired on 13 April 2022, at approximately 7:00 p.m. CET. This channel can be found in the German TV app, TV PRO.